How Do Industrial Folder-Gluers Work?

Parts of a Folder-Gluer

A folder-gluer machine is made up of modular components, which can vary based on its intended use. Below are some of the key parts of the device:

1. Feeder Parts: An essential part of a folder-gluer machine, the feeder ensures precise loading of die-cut blanks, with various feeder types available for different materials.

2. Pre-breakers: Used to pre-break creased lines, making the die-cut piece easier to fold during the process.

3. Crash-lock module: An integral part of machines used to manufacture crash-lock boxes, responsible for folding the base flaps of these boxes.

4. Gyrobox unit: This unit rotates the die-cut blanks at high speed, allowing for single-pass processing in various industries.

5. Combifolders: These feature rotating hooks to help fold the flaps of multi-point boxes.

6. Folding section: Completes the final fold.

7. Transfer section: Removes any pieces that do not meet project specifications, such as damaged or incorrectly folded parts.

8. Delivery section: The final destination of all projects, exerting pressure on the stream to ensure strong adhesion where the glue was applied.

How Do Industrial Folder-Gluers Work?

Industrial folder-gluers are specialized machines used in the packaging and printing industry to produce folded and glued cartons, boxes, and other paper products. Here's a general overview of how they work:

1.Feeding: Sheets or blanks of paperboard or corrugated material are fed into the machine from a stack or reel.

2. Folding: The machine uses a series of rollers, plates, and belts to fold the sheets into the desired carton or box shape. Precision is crucial to ensure accurate folding.

3. Gluing: Adhesive is applied to the necessary areas of the folded carton using various methods such as nozzles, rollers, or spray guns.

4. Compression and drying: The carton passes through a compression section to ensure proper bonding of the glued areas. In some machines, a drying or curing process is employed to solidify the adhesive.

5. Outfeed: Finally, the finished cartons are discharged from the machine for further processing or packaging.

It's important to note that industrial folder-gluers are highly sophisticated and can be customized to suit different production requirements, with capabilities for inline printing, die-cutting, and other advanced functions. Each step is tightly controlled to ensure precise and consistent results, helping to streamline the packaging production process.

Post time: Jan-06-2024