What operations can be performed by a flatbed die?
A flatbed die can perform various operations including cutting, embossing, debossing, scoring, and perforating. It is commonly used in the manufacturing of paper, cardboard, fabric, leather, and other materials for creating various products such as packaging, labels, and decorative items.
What is the difference between die cutting machine and digital cutting?
Die cutting involves the use of a die, which is a specialized tool for cutting shapes out of materials such as paper, cardboard, fabric, and more. The die is created to match the specific shape that needs to be cut, and the material is pressed against the die to cut out the desired shape.On the other hand, digital cutting involves the use of a digital cutting machine that is controlled by a computer. The cutting patterns are specified digitally, and the machine uses a blade or other cutting tool to precisely cut out the shapes from the material based on the digital instructions.In summary, die cutting requires a physical die to cut shapes, while digital cutting uses a computer-controlled cutting machine to cut shapes based on digital designs.

What is the purpose of die cutting?
The purpose of die cutting is to create precise and consistent shapes out of various materials such as paper, cardboard, fabric, foam, rubber, and more. Die cutting is commonly used in the manufacturing of products such as packaging materials, labels, gaskets, and various other items that require custom shapes. It is also used in the crafting and design industry for creating decorative elements, scrapbooking, and other DIY projects. Die cutting allows for efficient and accurate production of custom shapes, making it a versatile and valuable process in many industries.
What is the difference between a flat bed and a rotary die cut?
A flat bed die cutting machine involves using a flat surface to cut the material, where the die is mounted on a flat bed and moves up and down to cut the material. This type of die cutting is suitable for smaller production runs and can handle thicker materials.On the other hand, a rotary die cutting machine uses a cylindrical die to cut the material as it passes through the machine. This type of die cutting is often used for larger production runs and can handle thinner materials at high speeds.In summary, the main difference is in the orientation and movement of the die, with flat bed die cutting being more suitable for smaller runs and thicker materials, while rotary die cutting is more suitable for larger runs and thinner materials.
T1060BF is the innovation by Guowang engineers to perfectly combine the advantage of BLANKING machine and traditional die-cutting machine with STRIPPING, T1060BF(2nd generation) has all the same feature as T1060B to have a fast, accurate and high speed running, finishing product piling and automatic pallet change( Horizontal delivery ), and by one -button, machine can be switch to traditional stripping job delivery( Straight line delivery ) with motorized non-stop delivery rack. No mechanical part need to be replaced during the process, it is the perfect solution for customer who need a frequent job switching and fast job changing.
Post time: Jan-21-2024